Wednesday, January 22, 2014


So it's been quite a while since I've blogged. I'm starting a new journey. AGAIN...a weight loss and better health journey begins. I'm tired of being overweight. I'm tired of feeling sluggish. I'm tired of being an embarrassment to the people around me because of the way I look. No comments on what I've said are welcome(No fat person wants to hear look great...nope, I'm fat). This blog is based on my feelings. They are real and they are mine. I've decided finally though that this is more about my emotional battles and spiritual battles as opposed to just diet and exercise.

I'm not alone. I'm taking this journey with many other women. Made to Crave is the women's bible study I've joined. I'll keep you all posted on how my journey is going. I don't plan to ever be a size zero. My goal is to be healthy and connected to Christ like I've never been been before. Feeling Empowered!

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