Friday, March 28, 2008

More Muddy Spring

This is what our yard now looks like after the cement truck got buried in our yard yesterday! I wish I'd have been home to see how deep in the mud it had to have been.

Spring in Indiana

Our yard is a very very very muddy pit! This was nothing compared to yesterday when the cement truck got buried in our yard. I was not home to take pictures of the actual truck in the yard.

Donation to the future Rocker!

The Apprentice

Luke LOVED having his picture taken too yesterday. He especially liked it when I let him hold a $100.00 bill! He seriously thought it was for him to keep! It's amazing I had one of those!
Look out Donald Trump! Here comes LUKE!

Guitar Hero!

Is she the coolest rocker you've ever seen or what? We went to Portrait Innovations yesterday. Samantha had a great you can see! She loves having her pictures taken!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Easter Bunny!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's that lovely time of year where we force our children to face one of their biggest fears...The Easter Bunny! Why we torture our children is beyond me. I'm so thrilled to have all these great pictures of my children. Derek, Kyle, and Samantha are so good to still humor me and get in the picture with Luke, Levi, and Julian. I'm hoping they will continue to do this for me. Notice who had to sit closest to Mr. Bunny...Luke and Levi both freaked out. Julian didn't have a choice!

A New Bedroom!

As if I needed to tell you all that we NEED another bedroom. Derek and Kyle are getting a new room. They are really excited to have their own space. Currently, Derek and Levi share a room. I think Derek will miss watching Thomas the Train EVERY single night...or Lightening McQueen. Kyle and Luke share a room. I think Kyle will not miss Luke's shows. Luke always promises that tomorrow Kyle can pick the movie but as they say, "Tomorrow Never Comes!" Poor Kyle! Also, they will be able to put their gum and body spray under lock and key! We always are able to bust the body spray quickly. The gum is not as fast. I don't think I should go into details as to how we find out Levi has eaten an entire pack of sparkly gum. Let's just say we always find out IN THE END! Sorry, I had to go there! All the Mom's will appreciate that. I'll keep posting pictures as Kenny comes and does more work on the room for us!

Monday, March 10, 2008

More of the Rock!

This is too sweet!

Gotta Love It!

Julian Rockne...Fighting Irish

Here's one of my favorite pictures ever of Julian. He's wearing boxers from Build-a-Bear! Aren't they so cute. He probably will not love this some day but I always will!

Sunday, March 9, 2008


This is also from the pictures we had taken today. Julian did NOT cooperate like he normally does. I don't know what was up with him today. Maybe someone stepped on him too...Who Knows. Anyway, here's the Rock.

Family Pictures

OK! Today we went to have pictures of the kids taken. Levi hated wearing shorts. He was crying his little head off. Samantha's shirt was WAY too big. Fortunately, they had a safety pin for us to use. Who has those anymore? I guess we just got lucky! Anyway, I thought you'd enjoy this picture. It's amazing that we got any good ones! Oh, Derek stepped on Kyle mid way through and upset him for the rest of the pictures! HAPPY DAYS!

Friday, March 7, 2008


Luke and I built the Rebel and Empire bases we even made a clone army. Luke was the Empire and I was a part of the Rebel Force. Far left is the Empire. Immediate left is the Rebel base. However, Levi turned from a Storm Trooper into Chewbacca and started destroying the Empire. Julian was the Ewok village and assisted Chewbacca in the destruction of the Empire then they moved on to the Rebel base which they also destroyed. It was fun while it lasted. The great thing about playing with blocks is that you can always rebuild...reduce, reuse, recycle! Words to live by!

Happy 1st Birthday Julian

Today is the Rocks birthday. I can't believe how fast this year went. He is such a fun little boy. He is very vocal. He yelled this morning because I wouldn't let him play with the whey protein or the taco seasoning! What was I thinking? Anyway, he's one now! The baby party is OVER! Today is also Pete's birthday! How cool is that! We planned it that way...right! :}