Tuesday, October 14, 2014

OY VEY! I'm cutting sugar out of my diet along with bread, pasta, you know all that crap we think we need to eat to survive when really we don't! I was having an amazing day yesterday when I became exhausted! I fell asleep at 7:15 while watching one of the best movies of all time...ELF! That's right, October 13 and I watched ELF! Well, part of it anyway. I woke up to find Levi hovering over me with the container of marshmallow pumpkins. You know the ones that you eat by the handful?! You know what I did, right? I ate 2 handfuls because I thought it would make me feel so much better...NOT! Felt even worse. Up to bed I finally went at 9:20.

Today is a new day! I've had delicious eggs with onion and a slice of cheese with salt and pepper. I'll probably be eating eggs for lunch too. Why make my chickens work so hard to produce eggs if I'm not going to eat them, right?! I'll check in later with you all and let you know if I survived.
Original plan was to sleep for 2 weeks straight to rid my body of the sugar...that should be long enough, right? Well, I got thirsty and had to get a glass of water...so much for that plan!

Yesterday was Derek's 20th birthday. I want to be around for a lot more birthdays so I need to stick to this program! Let's hope that next year when we have a Mother/Son picture taken I don't feel the need to crop most of me out of the picture!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Don't rat me out! I thought we were friends!

Reading "Made to Crave" is a real eye opener for me! I love the statement "my bad food choices rat me out every time! We aren't fooling anyone! I can't say "Well I have six children! You don't get a body like this having one or two!" As I've joked to many people! I am responsible for the choices I make. No one else. As much as I'd rather blame Pete for grilling ribs too often or the fact that having six children brings in a lot of birthday cake (or donuts) and ice cream, it's my choice as to how much cake or ribs I eat. Going to the grocery store, my choices have been much different. I am CHOOSING better for me and my family. That's my plan! I don't want my kids to grow up thinking they too have to struggle with food addictions and weight problems. Food, we're NOT friends. I'm going to eat to live not live to eat! Tea and I on the other hand, are friends!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Oh temptation comes in the most beautiful shapes and sizes AND FLAVORS!  I'm pretty sure I could live on junk...it's so easy to say yes to it. However, I'm committed  to changing my habits and my lifestyle. Choosing the celery over 10 frosted cookies was huge! I ate two delicious frosted cookies...not gonna lie. Then I helped Julian & Levi frost their cookies while eating celery. No licking any extra frosting like I'd normally do! Huge success in my house! While I never plan to give up all the sweets, I'll do my best to cut WAY back!
I'm  so blessed with people in my life who encourage me. Thank you Yvonne, Daniel, Pat, and those doing Made to Crave with me! Looking forward to seeing great results!

Friday, January 24, 2014

So I'm into this Made to Crave for a week now. I'm feeling pretty good. I took the kids to the grocery store yesterday after the dentist. We bought loads of fresh fruit and veggies...we're all actually eating it! We came home and cleaned out our pantry. Everything is organized. I can actually see what we have and what we don't have. Our junk food was extremely limited to one box of six little debbie's snack rolls. Yeah...they're already gone. Guess what though, no one has complained. Fresh fruit makes a great snack and my kids know it. I have a big trip coming up and although I won't be the hottest Pink Zebra at the resort, my plan is to be healthier than I am today. Baby steps! This is a lifetime process. No magic wand to erase all the damage I've done to myself. Still feeling EMPOWERED!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


After reading my post from earlier, I didn't want you to think you couldn't post comments! Just meant I don't want to hear anyone say "Oh, you look great" or "You've had six kids". Let's be real...it is what it is...FAT! I have always made humor a big part of my life. I'm always going to be that funny girl. Just want to be that crazy funny girl without the thought of fat being included in what I think of myself. Feel free to comment... super sorry!


So it's been quite a while since I've blogged. I'm starting a new journey. AGAIN...a weight loss and better health journey begins. I'm tired of being overweight. I'm tired of feeling sluggish. I'm tired of being an embarrassment to the people around me because of the way I look. No comments on what I've said are welcome(No fat person wants to hear lies...you look great...nope, I'm fat). This blog is based on my feelings. They are real and they are mine. I've decided finally though that this is more about my emotional battles and spiritual battles as opposed to just diet and exercise.

I'm not alone. I'm taking this journey with many other women. Made to Crave is the women's bible study I've joined. I'll keep you all posted on how my journey is going. I don't plan to ever be a size zero. My goal is to be healthy and connected to Christ like I've never been been before. Feeling Empowered!shannon.johnsonstuart@facebook.com

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

50 Years!

This is what 50 years of marriage looks like. It all started on May 31, 1958. Twelve children later they are still going strong! AMAZING! Anthony was unable to make it so look-alike cousin, Jimmy, stepped in for him all the way from New Orleans. I just thought this was such a rare thing to see that it deserved to be put on my blog! Phil, Paul, Pete, Angie, Zita, Stephen, Anthony, Kenny, Sharon, Monica, Regina, and Damien...Ron and Rose Marie Stuart.